What is project?
For me based on my own understanding of what is project all about, it is a task or an assignment in which you are given a time duration or an allotted time to passed, the project must meet all the requirements in order to have a good result. Being a college student like me, we also given a project by our professors in completion or accomplishments of our subjects.
Project as being defined in the Project Management Book of Knowledge or PMBOK, project has a characteristics of a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or a result. Why it is temporary? Temporary because in every project has a definite beginning and a definite ending. Temporary or impermanent does not mean a short time in duration, but many projects also last for a several years. We can only conclude that the project is already finished if the project objectives reached or if the project will meet all of its requirements. Unique product, service or a result because project creates a unique deliverables, which are products, services or result. For me product could only say it is a product when it is unique or one of a kind and must be in its simple way. And according to the author of the PMBOK, it is also the characteristics of a project to be a Progressive elaboration; when we say progressive elaboration it is a process or a steps of developing and continuing it by boost.
Based on the research I had in the internet, project defined as a temporary activity that has a starting date, has a specific goals and conditions, has defined responsibilities, has a budget, has a planning, has a fixed end date and has a multiple parties involved.
A project has a starting date in order for you to know when to start your project. A project is a collections of activities in which it have also a goal or an objectives. Why does it have a goal or objectives? It is because if you have a goal in your project surely you will achieve it within a more or less fixed timeframe or fixed time duration. Project has also a defined responsibility, especially when you are a group in a project each you will have a different responsibilities or an obligation to do in order for your project to complete it. And if one of your group members will not do his responsibilities that one must fulfill and which has a consequent penalty for its failure. Project has also a constraint that consists of three elements, and these elements are the: First is the Cost - This includes everything that costs money, like people and equipment. Second is the Time - What is the time frame in which every activity should take place? And lastly is the Quality - What is the level of quality the project has to reach? Project has also a planning, when we say planning it is an idea or a set of ideas, a conception or abstraction. It is very important to have a plan before you should start making a project, it is because if you have a plan you will know what would be your going to do and how you manage your time. And lastly project has also fixed end date because if you have a starting date you will also have a fixed end date to submit the project.
An example of this project is our project in our subject System Analysis and Design (SAD 1) in which we prepared a Gantt chart. Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. Gantt charts illustrate the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project. Terminal elements and summary elements comprise the work breakdown structure of the project.
I noticed that in the Gantt chart we create, we always follow the time schedule that was in the Gantt chart. But sorry to say we did not follow the time schedule that we had made in the Gantt chart and that’s we get a grade of incomplete because we did not submit our project on time. And in that thing I had learned so much especially in managing the time.
What is management?
For me based on my own understanding of what is Management all about, the meaning of management for me is a something to do with especially in managing and making a rule in a given task or a project. Management is classify as an instruction and controlling the things by tolerating or follow the rules that aims to finish the project leaning. Maybe should I say that management is like being managing a people. An example of management is the management of the institution or an organization as being cited as an example by our professor. Institution because, in an institution there are some people who imposing the rules to their people to do the task manageable.
So in order for me to understand deeply the true meaning of what is management, I have researched on the internet some definition of the word management. According to Wikipedia, management is an activity or the acts of getting people together to accomplish a desired goals and objectives efficiently and objectively. In management it comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing and controlling a group of one or more people for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Planning, preparing a satisfactory plan of an organization is essential in order to helping avoid mistakes. Organizing, in a management also it should be organized so that the management will have a good relationship between their people. Staffing, is liked a routing, recommendations, and approvals for the official documents and memorandums in a management. Leadership, in a management there is always a leader who is leading the project into the right place or the right accomplishment of a common task. Control in management means setting a standards, measuring actual performance and taking corrective action. Organization, in management it is viewed as an entity which is bring organized, and the focus is on the organization as a set of tasks or set of actions.
From the information that I’ve been gathered from the internet, I can only say that management can be defined as the managing characteristics.
What is Project Management?
Basically, project management is the combination of the words project and management. Likewise, the definitions itself do reflect from one another. For my own understanding, the word project management is the technique used in managing a project. From that idea, a project can be done with a sequential process. Everything is done within a sequence. Fundamentally, project management in Wikipedia as the discipline of planning, organizing, securing and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of specific engineering project goals and objectives. As of from the definition itself, discipline of planning; I can say that it is the process of controlling and providing proper planning of the project or projects. Discipline of Organizing, this process could be reflecting on the process of planning. After the planning of project, you must organized it to have a clear sight of the things you will going to do or what will be the step to be done. Organizing for me is the set of organizing the plans you just have formulated about your project. Discipline of managing resources, inside this discipline; you must have a great view of any ideas or things that can be apply to your project. You need to be mentally absorbent of the things that might help you to complete your project.
Since, project management is a very broad topic to talk with; I have researches another idea of what a project management is. As said over the internet, project management is the science (and art) of organizing the components of a project, whether the project is development of a new product, the launch of a new service or etc. no matter project it is, project management relies in the same principles of processes which are Definition, Planning, Execution, Control and Closure. First in the list is Definition Pattern. In this stage, the project team defines what the project is and what the users hope to achieve by undertaking the project. The same also in this phase, the inclusion of list of project deliverables, and the outcome of a specific set of activities are implemented. The project team works with the business sponsor or manager who wants to have the project implemented and other stakeholders -- those who have a vested interest in the outcome of the project. Second, Planning the Project. Here, you define all the activities of the project. The project manager is required to list all the activities or tasks, how the tasks are are related, how long will it take to finish the task, and how this activities must be done on the specific time. Also the refining of the project requirements must be settled up. In this stage, the project manger is design to identify how many people and how must cost is needed for the project to be done as well as the requirements that are required to the project to enable to be completed. Since, it’s the part of planning the project. The constraints are also identifying here, the sort of probable constraints that might come unto the project. These constraints might be in cost that could definitely affect the project performance. For instance, the cost constraints, because of the crisis that has occur the project might not be able to afford many people to work with the project. That somehow might be the reason while the project can’t comply with its time limitation and the worst thing is to become the failure of the project.
Third, project execution. The project manager in this stage needs to build the project team. He/she must be able to know the how many resources and how much budget he or she has to work with for the project. because of the project team is already build, it would be easier now to assign the things or tasks that must be doing by each of the project team member. Since everything has been settled and done, its time for now for making budgeting the project. Fourth, Project Controlling. The project manager now is assigned to make updates of the task that he had given to his people. He can now see if the task is done within the time that is allotted by each task. From this stage, the project can be identifying if it is doing well or not. And most of all, the project manager can able to understand how well the project is progressing overall. Last is the Project Closure. In this stage, the project manager merges the ideas of his people with what the ideas he had on his mind to have a project product in a good sense. And to find if the product of the project is done properly; the analysis of the project to have a final project product will now be carried out.
According to the MPUG-you.com, the project management has three essential components. These are the time, money and scope. It emphasizes there that the increase and decrease of any of the components will give a great impact to the other two components of the project. To make it realistic, it sited here the example of reducing the time for making the project. Consequently, when the time expansion that is allotted to finish the project is to be reduced; you will probably expect for the great effect of it to the project scope and the quality of the project. It will make confusion on what will be including in the project. Not just the scope is only affected, but also the cost of the project. In terms of its cost, the project will affected in terms of the people who will work for the project and also the needed resources to meet the abbreviated schedule for the project.
My reflections/learning’s on the first day of class:
As we have started the first day of our discussion or the first lesson in this subject Project Management, there is a big question that comes into my mind, that question is what this Project Management is all about? But as we move along to our first discussion which is about the project management definition, we had a simple sharing on the first quiz we’ve done and it gives me a clue or a tip about this project management. For us to better know the real meaning of project management, along with our professor we had a short or a brief discussion through sharing our own ideas. First we do what is the meaning of project. Next is the meaning of the management and lastly the meaning of project management. So each of us right our own definition of those three words which is given by our professor. At that moment of writing our own definition of project, management and project management, I learned that a project only defines a task or a duty in which it has a narrowed time to end and the unusual attributes of project management. And I realized that this subject project management is a very broad to tackle within a one semester. That’s why our professor gives us an electronic copy about the project management which has a title of a guide to Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK 3rd edition) in which this electronic copy will be made as one of our material for this subject.
Through introducing this subject, I learned so many things such as the specific definition of the project and the project management. As being defined in the PMBOK, project is a sequence of unique, complex, and connected activities which has a one purpose or a one goal and that must be completed or accomplished by a given specific time, must be within a budget, and must be according to the specifications. Project Management is also defined in the PMBOK as an application of knowledge, skills and a technique to a project activity in order to meet the project management. I also learned that the word management has four aspects which are the: Directing, Planning, Organizing and Controlling. First is the Directing in which it represents the ideas of giving an instruction to somebody to be finished. Second is the Planning in which it involves simple planning or site up an idea for a preparation for something. Third is the Organizing in which it implies an exercise power or the authority something or to limit, put a ceiling on the areas of running something.
The word SMART was the most interesting word I learned. It is because the word SMART as what have our professor has a short form of Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Reliable, and Time-bounded. Through this word SMART, I learned that a project objective must have a detailed form so it means that the scope of a project must be defined as it should be. The project is said to be measureable when the project is manageable to measure through in its scope. The project is said to be attainable when the designed project is to be accomplished within a specifications when it is said as a temporary. The project is said to be reliable when a project is reliable which means the project implies and is able to be trusted to do what would expected to do. And lastly, the project is said to be time-bounded when a project has an allotted time to submit or to pass. This project is not an ongoing activity not like in an outfitted work.
After we had a discussion of the project and project management. We also had a brief discussion about one of the common tool of the project management development which is the Gantt chart. One of our classmates was given a task to share his own understanding about Gantt chart. Through this Gantt chart you will be able to know the time of each task when would it be going to pass and when would it be its time limit. I learned also about the ideal project manager, management and people skills. Through this, I able to know that a project manager should have the characteristics of: Leadership, Negotiation, Selling, Team Building and Motivation, Communications, Meeting Management, and Problem Solving and a Decision Making. Though I already know the primary role of the manager is to manage the project, but my mind conceptual change into managers being a leader. And once we become a leader, our main objective or the main goal is to lead the way to do the task of the project not to control anybody.
Lastly, I also learned the primary types of information that a project would have, and these are the tasks duration, tasks dependencies, resources and the cost of the project. And all of these four primary types of information would represent a meaning to the project components which are the time, budget and the project scope. In fact our professor change the Project Management into a Project Leadership for it is joke only. But as what he has said we should not be controlled by others but instead we wanted a freedom in all everything we are doing. And all over with our discussion, it was very fun and interesting lesson about the Project Management. So that was the first day our class in this subject Project Management, a one day class only but I had already learned a lot.
For me based on my own understanding of what is project all about, it is a task or an assignment in which you are given a time duration or an allotted time to passed, the project must meet all the requirements in order to have a good result. Being a college student like me, we also given a project by our professors in completion or accomplishments of our subjects.
Project as being defined in the Project Management Book of Knowledge or PMBOK, project has a characteristics of a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or a result. Why it is temporary? Temporary because in every project has a definite beginning and a definite ending. Temporary or impermanent does not mean a short time in duration, but many projects also last for a several years. We can only conclude that the project is already finished if the project objectives reached or if the project will meet all of its requirements. Unique product, service or a result because project creates a unique deliverables, which are products, services or result. For me product could only say it is a product when it is unique or one of a kind and must be in its simple way. And according to the author of the PMBOK, it is also the characteristics of a project to be a Progressive elaboration; when we say progressive elaboration it is a process or a steps of developing and continuing it by boost.
Based on the research I had in the internet, project defined as a temporary activity that has a starting date, has a specific goals and conditions, has defined responsibilities, has a budget, has a planning, has a fixed end date and has a multiple parties involved.
A project has a starting date in order for you to know when to start your project. A project is a collections of activities in which it have also a goal or an objectives. Why does it have a goal or objectives? It is because if you have a goal in your project surely you will achieve it within a more or less fixed timeframe or fixed time duration. Project has also a defined responsibility, especially when you are a group in a project each you will have a different responsibilities or an obligation to do in order for your project to complete it. And if one of your group members will not do his responsibilities that one must fulfill and which has a consequent penalty for its failure. Project has also a constraint that consists of three elements, and these elements are the: First is the Cost - This includes everything that costs money, like people and equipment. Second is the Time - What is the time frame in which every activity should take place? And lastly is the Quality - What is the level of quality the project has to reach? Project has also a planning, when we say planning it is an idea or a set of ideas, a conception or abstraction. It is very important to have a plan before you should start making a project, it is because if you have a plan you will know what would be your going to do and how you manage your time. And lastly project has also fixed end date because if you have a starting date you will also have a fixed end date to submit the project.
An example of this project is our project in our subject System Analysis and Design (SAD 1) in which we prepared a Gantt chart. Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. Gantt charts illustrate the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project. Terminal elements and summary elements comprise the work breakdown structure of the project.
I noticed that in the Gantt chart we create, we always follow the time schedule that was in the Gantt chart. But sorry to say we did not follow the time schedule that we had made in the Gantt chart and that’s we get a grade of incomplete because we did not submit our project on time. And in that thing I had learned so much especially in managing the time.
What is management?
For me based on my own understanding of what is Management all about, the meaning of management for me is a something to do with especially in managing and making a rule in a given task or a project. Management is classify as an instruction and controlling the things by tolerating or follow the rules that aims to finish the project leaning. Maybe should I say that management is like being managing a people. An example of management is the management of the institution or an organization as being cited as an example by our professor. Institution because, in an institution there are some people who imposing the rules to their people to do the task manageable.
So in order for me to understand deeply the true meaning of what is management, I have researched on the internet some definition of the word management. According to Wikipedia, management is an activity or the acts of getting people together to accomplish a desired goals and objectives efficiently and objectively. In management it comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing and controlling a group of one or more people for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Planning, preparing a satisfactory plan of an organization is essential in order to helping avoid mistakes. Organizing, in a management also it should be organized so that the management will have a good relationship between their people. Staffing, is liked a routing, recommendations, and approvals for the official documents and memorandums in a management. Leadership, in a management there is always a leader who is leading the project into the right place or the right accomplishment of a common task. Control in management means setting a standards, measuring actual performance and taking corrective action. Organization, in management it is viewed as an entity which is bring organized, and the focus is on the organization as a set of tasks or set of actions.
From the information that I’ve been gathered from the internet, I can only say that management can be defined as the managing characteristics.
What is Project Management?
Basically, project management is the combination of the words project and management. Likewise, the definitions itself do reflect from one another. For my own understanding, the word project management is the technique used in managing a project. From that idea, a project can be done with a sequential process. Everything is done within a sequence. Fundamentally, project management in Wikipedia as the discipline of planning, organizing, securing and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of specific engineering project goals and objectives. As of from the definition itself, discipline of planning; I can say that it is the process of controlling and providing proper planning of the project or projects. Discipline of Organizing, this process could be reflecting on the process of planning. After the planning of project, you must organized it to have a clear sight of the things you will going to do or what will be the step to be done. Organizing for me is the set of organizing the plans you just have formulated about your project. Discipline of managing resources, inside this discipline; you must have a great view of any ideas or things that can be apply to your project. You need to be mentally absorbent of the things that might help you to complete your project.
Since, project management is a very broad topic to talk with; I have researches another idea of what a project management is. As said over the internet, project management is the science (and art) of organizing the components of a project, whether the project is development of a new product, the launch of a new service or etc. no matter project it is, project management relies in the same principles of processes which are Definition, Planning, Execution, Control and Closure. First in the list is Definition Pattern. In this stage, the project team defines what the project is and what the users hope to achieve by undertaking the project. The same also in this phase, the inclusion of list of project deliverables, and the outcome of a specific set of activities are implemented. The project team works with the business sponsor or manager who wants to have the project implemented and other stakeholders -- those who have a vested interest in the outcome of the project. Second, Planning the Project. Here, you define all the activities of the project. The project manager is required to list all the activities or tasks, how the tasks are are related, how long will it take to finish the task, and how this activities must be done on the specific time. Also the refining of the project requirements must be settled up. In this stage, the project manger is design to identify how many people and how must cost is needed for the project to be done as well as the requirements that are required to the project to enable to be completed. Since, it’s the part of planning the project. The constraints are also identifying here, the sort of probable constraints that might come unto the project. These constraints might be in cost that could definitely affect the project performance. For instance, the cost constraints, because of the crisis that has occur the project might not be able to afford many people to work with the project. That somehow might be the reason while the project can’t comply with its time limitation and the worst thing is to become the failure of the project.
Third, project execution. The project manager in this stage needs to build the project team. He/she must be able to know the how many resources and how much budget he or she has to work with for the project. because of the project team is already build, it would be easier now to assign the things or tasks that must be doing by each of the project team member. Since everything has been settled and done, its time for now for making budgeting the project. Fourth, Project Controlling. The project manager now is assigned to make updates of the task that he had given to his people. He can now see if the task is done within the time that is allotted by each task. From this stage, the project can be identifying if it is doing well or not. And most of all, the project manager can able to understand how well the project is progressing overall. Last is the Project Closure. In this stage, the project manager merges the ideas of his people with what the ideas he had on his mind to have a project product in a good sense. And to find if the product of the project is done properly; the analysis of the project to have a final project product will now be carried out.
According to the MPUG-you.com, the project management has three essential components. These are the time, money and scope. It emphasizes there that the increase and decrease of any of the components will give a great impact to the other two components of the project. To make it realistic, it sited here the example of reducing the time for making the project. Consequently, when the time expansion that is allotted to finish the project is to be reduced; you will probably expect for the great effect of it to the project scope and the quality of the project. It will make confusion on what will be including in the project. Not just the scope is only affected, but also the cost of the project. In terms of its cost, the project will affected in terms of the people who will work for the project and also the needed resources to meet the abbreviated schedule for the project.
My reflections/learning’s on the first day of class:
As we have started the first day of our discussion or the first lesson in this subject Project Management, there is a big question that comes into my mind, that question is what this Project Management is all about? But as we move along to our first discussion which is about the project management definition, we had a simple sharing on the first quiz we’ve done and it gives me a clue or a tip about this project management. For us to better know the real meaning of project management, along with our professor we had a short or a brief discussion through sharing our own ideas. First we do what is the meaning of project. Next is the meaning of the management and lastly the meaning of project management. So each of us right our own definition of those three words which is given by our professor. At that moment of writing our own definition of project, management and project management, I learned that a project only defines a task or a duty in which it has a narrowed time to end and the unusual attributes of project management. And I realized that this subject project management is a very broad to tackle within a one semester. That’s why our professor gives us an electronic copy about the project management which has a title of a guide to Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK 3rd edition) in which this electronic copy will be made as one of our material for this subject.
Through introducing this subject, I learned so many things such as the specific definition of the project and the project management. As being defined in the PMBOK, project is a sequence of unique, complex, and connected activities which has a one purpose or a one goal and that must be completed or accomplished by a given specific time, must be within a budget, and must be according to the specifications. Project Management is also defined in the PMBOK as an application of knowledge, skills and a technique to a project activity in order to meet the project management. I also learned that the word management has four aspects which are the: Directing, Planning, Organizing and Controlling. First is the Directing in which it represents the ideas of giving an instruction to somebody to be finished. Second is the Planning in which it involves simple planning or site up an idea for a preparation for something. Third is the Organizing in which it implies an exercise power or the authority something or to limit, put a ceiling on the areas of running something.
The word SMART was the most interesting word I learned. It is because the word SMART as what have our professor has a short form of Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Reliable, and Time-bounded. Through this word SMART, I learned that a project objective must have a detailed form so it means that the scope of a project must be defined as it should be. The project is said to be measureable when the project is manageable to measure through in its scope. The project is said to be attainable when the designed project is to be accomplished within a specifications when it is said as a temporary. The project is said to be reliable when a project is reliable which means the project implies and is able to be trusted to do what would expected to do. And lastly, the project is said to be time-bounded when a project has an allotted time to submit or to pass. This project is not an ongoing activity not like in an outfitted work.
After we had a discussion of the project and project management. We also had a brief discussion about one of the common tool of the project management development which is the Gantt chart. One of our classmates was given a task to share his own understanding about Gantt chart. Through this Gantt chart you will be able to know the time of each task when would it be going to pass and when would it be its time limit. I learned also about the ideal project manager, management and people skills. Through this, I able to know that a project manager should have the characteristics of: Leadership, Negotiation, Selling, Team Building and Motivation, Communications, Meeting Management, and Problem Solving and a Decision Making. Though I already know the primary role of the manager is to manage the project, but my mind conceptual change into managers being a leader. And once we become a leader, our main objective or the main goal is to lead the way to do the task of the project not to control anybody.
Lastly, I also learned the primary types of information that a project would have, and these are the tasks duration, tasks dependencies, resources and the cost of the project. And all of these four primary types of information would represent a meaning to the project components which are the time, budget and the project scope. In fact our professor change the Project Management into a Project Leadership for it is joke only. But as what he has said we should not be controlled by others but instead we wanted a freedom in all everything we are doing. And all over with our discussion, it was very fun and interesting lesson about the Project Management. So that was the first day our class in this subject Project Management, a one day class only but I had already learned a lot.
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